CIB Nova Scotia

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toplogo (1)The Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia is the coordinating body of the Provincial Edition of Communities in Bloom.

Communities in Bloom is a non-profit Canadian organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community participation and the challenge of competition. National beautification programs have flourished in Europe, including England, France and Ireland, for decades, and were the inspiration for Communities in Bloom.

CIB in Canada, began in 1995 with 29 communities and has grown to include hundreds of participating communities in the provincial and national program. Communities in Bloom promotes involvement and action by citizens of all ages, the municipal government, local organizations and businesses. The program strives to improve the tidiness, appearance and visual appeal of Canada’s neighborhoods, parks, open spaces and streets through the imaginative use of flowers, plants and trees. A focus on environmental awareness and preservation of heritage and culture is also an integral part of its success resulting in an improved quality of life. Communities in Bloom also invites it’s national finalists to participate with municipalities from other countries in an International Challenge.

Communities in Bloom is designed to be a continuous community improvement program and is divided into Provincial, National and International levels. The Nova Scotia Provincial Edition is completed each year during the summer months followed by an Annual CIB Awards Ceremony held in November or December in conjunction with the Annual Tourism Conference. The CIB evaluations are conducted by trained, volunteer judges during July and August and is based on the following criteria;

  • Tidiness
  • Environmental Action
  • Heritage Conservation
  • Urban Forestry
  • Landscape
  • Turf and Groundcovers
  • Floral Displays
  • Community Involvement

The Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia believes that by promoting the Communities in Bloom Program, we are building the incentive and capacity of communities across the province to foster community pride and involvement; and environmental awareness and action. This in turn creates communities where visitors feel welcome and are more likely to extend their stay. They may also be more inclined to tell their friends and family to visit these places. By promoting the involvement of all Nova Scotian communities in the Communities in Bloom program we can continue to build a healthy, sustainable tourism industry in Nova Scotia and Canada.

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