2018 Registration – Invitation to Participate

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Registration is now open for the 2018 provincial Communities in Bloom Program.

An Invitation to Participate in a program that will showcase, involve and benefit your community.  NS CIB Registration Form.

Since 1995, communities have recognized numerous benefits from participating in the Communities in Bloom program:

Economic Benefits
• Best practices and information exchange
• Valuable information and feedback from the judges
• Marketing and promotional opportunities
• Positive benefits for the tourism, hospitality and retail industries

Social Benefits
• Increased civic pride and community involvement
• Mobilization of citizens, groups, businesses and municipality working together
• Participation from all ages and walks of life learning more about their community
• Information exchanges with provincial, national and international communities
• Improved quality of life

Environmental Stewardship Through the Enhancement of Green Spaces
• Reducing soil erosion
• Improving air quality
• Responsible use of water

Your community is invited to participate in 2015 to be evaluated or to learn about the program:

Population Category (community is evaluated):
- jury formed of two volunteer judges visits and evaluates the community to provide a feedback report, mention and bloom rating
- evaluation can be done to receive a bloom rating or to learn about the program

Friends Category (community is not evaluated):
- community is not evaluated but becomes part of the Communities in Bloom network

For further information, please contact us at:
Nova Scotia CIB, C/O TIANS
2089 Maitland Street, Halifax, NS B3K 2Z8
Tel.: 902 423-4480 Fax: 902 422-0184 Email: CIB@tians.org
